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The Great New York 100 Mile/100KM Running Exposition is an informal, small, low-key event that nevertheless promises to be an unforgettable running experience. It is an urban adventure, a running tour of New York City, beginning and ending in Times Square.


The start is Saturday, June 21. 2025 at 5:00 a.m. The start is at the Times Square pedestrian plaza at Broadway and 47th St., next to the TKTS booth, and the finish is at the Times Square pedestrian plaza on Broadway at 42nd St.


WHAT'S WITH THE NAME? First of all, if it’s in New York, it has to be great! And the name takes its cue from the tradition of P.T. Barnum, where everything is great. It’s an exposition because it will expose you to parts of the city you’ve probably never been to before, and will show you what a great city this is to run in.


CUTOFF: The cutoff time for finishing the 100 mile race is 30 hours (11:00 a.m. Sunday). The cutoff for 100 km to continue towards 100 miles is 17 hours (10:00 p.m.) upon arrival and 17:15 hours (10:15 p.m.) upon departure - strictly enforced, The cutoff for the 100 km finish is 18 hours (11:00 p.m.). 


COURSE: The course begins in Times Square in Manhattan at 47th and Broadway, and makes a single loop through Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn, before returning to Manhattan and Times Square at 42nd and Broadway. See the COURSE page for a course description and map.


AID STATIONS: There will be aid stations approximately every 5 miles along the course. Some will be minimal, providing water and sports drink, others will provide some simple food items (fruit, chips/pretzels, cookies) and ice during the day, some will have more substantial food items. Our volunteers have been outstanding in caring for the runners. The aid stations will still not provide all of your nutritional needs during the race.  You should still carry your own food, have it crewed for you, or buy it in stores, delis or restaurants you pass along the way. You will also pass by many park drinking fountains if you need additional water between aid stations. This is part of the urban adventure and fun of an event like this. Keep in mind that many stores may close at night. The aid stations will also not have any extra amenities like cots or anyplace to nap at night. Aid station staff will check you in, make sure you’re ok, help you with directions if needed and give you encouragement and support. You will still have to be somewhat self-reliant. Please only enter this race if you are prepared for that.


100KM RUN: The 100 km run will start at the same time and same place as the 100 mile run. The finish will be in Forest Park in Queens, near the entrance at Myrtle Ave. and Park Lane South. Runners entered in the 100 mile run may stop at 100 km if they don’t feel they are able to finish 100 miles, and they will receive a 100 km finish place and award. Runners entered in the 100 mile race who stop between 100 km and the 100 mile finish will receive a 100 km finish time and place. Runners entered in the 100 km run may not continue in the 100 mile run. Anyone finishing at the 100 km point will be responsible for their own transportation home or to Times Square. The 100 km finish is approximately six blocks from the 111 St. station on the J subway line.


BAGS: Runners entered in the 100 mile run may have one bag at the finish and one drop bag at an aid station, at 100 km, mile 71, 75 or 80, for the primary purpose of warmer clothes at night, a change of clothes, a headlamp or other safety gear, or additional food items. Do not place keys or valuables in drop bags. You may not be able to get it back immediately when you finish. Please do not use large bags for drop bags, and please let the race director know in advance if you would like to leave a larger bag (like a suitcase) at the finish. Runners entered in the 100 km run may have a bag delivered to the Forest Park finish, but no additional drop bags. All drop bags will be delivered to the Times Square finish line as soon as possible after the aid station closure, possibly close to 11:00 a.m. Sunday. Any bags unclaimed at the end of the race will be taken home by the race director and the runner will have to make arrangements to pick it up later.


PACERS/CREW: Runners may have a pacer beginning at mile 32 - Sound View Park, and not before, except for runners age 60 and over or others needing special assistance, who may have a pacer at any time. This may be a runner or someone on bike, but all cyclists must ride safely and legally. Runners may switch pacers at any time, but they may only have one pacer at a time.. This rule might be relaxed to allow a second pacer for those running after dark, but no entourages. Pacers and crew can meet you at any point on the course, not only at aid stations. Pacers are very strongly recommended at night, or after the 70 mile point, especially for first-time 100-mile runners. This is for runner security, to prevent getting lost, and for safety in case a runner becomes ill or disoriented. Two or more registered runners may run the entire race together. Pacers will not be an absolute requirement, but are very very strongly recommended, as previous runners will attest. Sunset is approximately 8:30 p.m. Runners will have to arrange for their own pacers.


MANDATORY: All registered runners must carry the following items with them during the run.
  1. Cell phone that is active in the U.S.
  2. Direction sheet, to be provided

  3. Cash, at least $25 recommended, for additional food and drink purchases (some stores may not take credit cards)
  4. At least one water bottle or hydration pack, minimum 20 oz.



   1. Music listening devices are prohibited at night for registered runners and for pacers, and are very strongly discouraged at any point during the run. This is a genuine safety issue. You will be running on streets that are open to traffic and you must always be fully aware of your surroundings. It can also distract you from following course markings. Furthermore, although you will not be running through any particularly dangerous neighborhoods at night, music listening devices can be a target for thieves. Similarly, we strongly recommend against using smart phones for non-essential use at night (i.e., social media updates).

   2. Littering. This includes banana peels and orange rinds. You will pass by trash cans everywhere along the route – use them.

   3. Stopping traffic to cross against the light. This applies to runners and to pacers or crew. You must wait until the light turns or until the street is safely clear.

   4. Excessive noise, by runners, pacers, or crew. Please be respectful of the residents of the neighborhoods that you pass through.



   1. Runners MUST follow the marked course at all times! I realize that our marking is not perfect, people miss turns, but all efforts must be made to stay on the marked course, including all streets and park pathways. At no time is it acceptable to intentionally choose another route, whether or not it might appear to shorten or lengthen the distance. This will result in disqualification. On many of the street sections, it may be possible to run on either side of the street, or in the street itself, even if only one particular side is marked. This is acceptable, but keep in mind that those not familiar with the course might miss a turn if running on the unmarked side.


   2. Runners may go off-course to visit a store, a bathroom, or even their home if they wish. But they must leave and return to the point they left the course by foot, under their own power.


   3. No runner may get into or onto a moving vehicle at any time during the race. If a runner goes off-course, whether intentionally (see #2 above) or unintentionally, they must return to the point they left the course by foot under their own power. That means no Uber, no bicycle, no scooter, no helicopter, no hovercraft. Runners may sit in a crew person's car or on bicycle handlebars only if they remain parked.


DROPS: I genuinely expect all runners to complete the entire 100 miles/km within the allotted time frame. But if you must drop, you must notify race officials, volunteers, or myself immediately. It is preferable to drop at an aid station and tell the volunteers there, but I realize that at some points you might pass by subway stations or other locations where it might be better for you to drop. In such a case, you must call me or send me a text – BEFORE you get on the train or bus or otherwise leave the course. Unless injured or seriously ill, you will be responsible for getting yourself to the finish line or home or wherever you need to go.


COURTESY: Please be courteous to the volunteers and to the other runners. Also, you and your crews must be courteous and respectful of the neighborhoods you pass through. Do not make excessive noise or congregate in large groups in residential areas, especially at night. Be courteous to other park users, pedestrians, bike riders, and drivers. Try to avoid spreading out across the entire sidewalk or pathway. You are ambassadors and representatives of your sport.


FINAL WORDS: Always remember, safety first! This is not meant to be a highly-competitive event. Take the time to wait at stop lights, and always be careful at crossings. You are doing something amazing by running 100 miles, but drivers don’t know this. But finally, relax and have fun, and enjoy the city and your run!

CONTACT: Phil McCarthy, Race Director;


Background photo courtesy of OhSnapper photography

Web site © 2023 by Phil McCarthy Proudly created with

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